Baranoff, Etti G. “Teaching Pensions through Case Study: How to Evaluate the Differences among Qualified Retirement Plans for a Small Medical Office” at the Finance Education Association meeting in San Antonio, 2010
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager, and Bo Shi “Capital Ratio, Product Risk and Asset Risk Relationships in the U.S. Health Insurance Industry” accepted at the FMA and ARIA [World Risk Congress] for 2010 conferences, FMA top papers series. World Finance Congress in Greece, 2011
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager, Bo Shi “Variable Annuities with Guarantees and Mortgage Backed Securities: A Colossal Capital Crisis for Life Insurers?” presented at ARIA 2009 and FMA, 2010. FMA top papers series.
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Market Discipline of Health Insurers Consumers.” presentation at VCU Business School seminars, 4-20-2010
Baranoff, Etti G and Linda Golden “Expanding the ERM Brand: Enterprise, Risk and Opportunity Management (EROM)” to be presented at the 2010 WRIA meeting in Napa Valley
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Bo Shi, “Variable Annuities with Guarantees and Mortgage Backed Securities: A Colossal Capital Crisis for Life Insurers?” Presented at the 2009 ARIA meeting in Providence, RI.
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “An Empirical Map of Enterprise Risk Space for Life Insurers: Implications for ERM” ERM Symposium of the Actuarial Society in May 2009, Chicago
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Mortgage Backed Securities and Capital of Life Insurers: Was the Industry prepared for the Credit Crunch of 2007-2008?” a $10,000 award winning paper at the IIS 2008, ARIA, Portland, 2008
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Tom Shively “Rebalancing Target Capital in the Financial Sector: The Case of Life Insurance” MFA, San Antonio, 2008, ARIA, 2008
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Market Discipline in Life Insurance: Insureds’ Reaction to Rating Downgrades in the Context of Enterprise Risks” ARIA, Quebec City, Canada, August, 2007 and WRIA in Jan 2008 and at the EGRIE meeting, Toulouse, France, September, 2008
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Integrated Risk Management in Life Insurance Companies” Award winning paper, International Insurance Society Seminar, Chicago, July 2006, VCU Dean’s seminar Series, March, 2007
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “An Empirical Map of Enterprise Risk Space for Life Insurers: Implications for ERM” ARIA, August 2006
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Impact of Life Insurers’ Rating Changes on Market Discipline” VCU Seminar series, April 21, 2006
Baranoff, Etti G. and David Jewell, “Wind vs. Water” Fraud Conference, VCU, March 14, 2006
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “The Relationship Between Life Insurers’ Asset Allocation and Performance” FMA meeting, October 2005 in Chicago and VCU internal seminar
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Life Insurers’ Asset Allocation Dynamics and Performance” WRIA meeting, 2005 in Monterey Bay, CA and FMA meeting in Chicago
Liyan Zhao, Thomas W. Sager and Etti Baranoff “Determining Market Values of Individual U. S. Life Insurers By Matching Method and Multiple Imputation” ARIA meeting, 2004 in Chicago
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Life Insurers’ Asset Allocation Dynamics and Performance” ARIA meeting, 2004 in Chicago
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Tom Shively “Managing Capital Structure: The Case of Life Insurers – A Semiparametric Simultaneous Equations Approach” presentation at the 2004 Risk Theory Seminar
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “Determinant of Asset Allocation Dynamics in the Life Insurance Industry” At ARIA 2003 meeting in Denver
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “The Interrelationship among Organizational and Distribution Forms and Capital and Asset Risk Structures in the Life Insurance Industry” At ARIA 2002 meeting in Montreal
Baranoff, Etti G., Tom W. Sager and Savas Papadopoulos “The Effect of Regulated versus Market Risk on the Capital Structure of Life Insurers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach” – At FMA 2002 meeting in San Antonio
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “The Relationship between Capital and Earnings of Life Insurers” Working paper at the ARIA 2001 meeting in Indianapolis
Baranoff, Etti G., and Thomas W. Sager “The Interrelationship among Organizational and Distribution Forms and Capital and Asset Risk Structures in the Life Insurance Industry” Presentation at the SRIA meeting in San Antonio, November, 2000 and at VCU Seminar in February, 2001, Working paper forthcoming at the ARIA 2002 meeting in Montreal, Canada
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Tom Shively, “A Semiparametric Decision Tool for Managing Capital Structure: The Case of Life Insurers” FMA 2000 meeting in Seattle
Baranoff, Etti G., Tom W. Sager and Savas Papadopoulos “The Effect of Regulated versus Market Risk on the Capital Structure of Life Insurers: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach” – Working paper presented at the ARIA 2000 meeting in Baltimore
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Tom Shively, “The Relationship Among Asset Risk, Product Risk, And Capital In The Life Insurance Industry: A Semiparametric Approach,” Presentation at the SRIA meeting in Orlando, November, 1999
Baranoff, Etti G. and Thomas W. Sager “The Relationship between Asset Risk, Product Risk, and Capital in the Life Insurance Industry,” Presentation at the American Risk And Insurance Association (ARIA) meeting in Vancouver, August, 1999
Baranoff, Etti G., Dalit Baranoff and Thomas W. Sager, "Inconsistencies in Insurance Broker’s Laws Across States: A Review And Impact Analysis,” Presentation at the SRIA meeting in Williamsburg, November, 1998
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager “The Relationship between Asset Risk, Product Risk, and Capital in the Life Insurance Industry,” Presentation at the VCU FIRE Department Seminar series, October 1998
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager and Tom Shively, “An Examination of the Linear Applications in Life Solvency Studies -- A Semi-Parametric Analysis,” Presentation at the American Risk And Insurance Association (ARIA) meeting, Boston, August 1998
Baranoff, Etti G. and Thomas W. Sager, “Life Risk-Based-Capital Reviewed through the Lens Of Transaction-Cost Economics: Should There Be Equal Treatment For Different Specialties?” The Risk Theory Seminar for presentation in its 1998 meeting, and also presented at the VCU seminar series, January, 1998
Baranoff, Etti G., “An Examination of Risk Financing Hypotheses: The Case of Workers’ Compensation for School Districts,” presented at the VCU seminar series, December, 1997
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager “Three Years of Risk-Based Capital: Differential Impacts on Life/Health Industry Segmentation,” - ARIA meeting in San Diego, 1997
Baranoff, Etti G., “Selection of a Risk Management Financing Strategy: A Case of Workers’ Compensation for Public Entities,” SRIA meeting in Hilton Head, 1996
Baranoff, Etti G., Phyllis S. Myers and E.G. Miller "The Prevalence and Application of Risk Management Information Systems,” ARIA meeting in Philadelphia, 1996
Baranoff, Etti G., Phyllis S. Myers and E.G. Miller "The Prevalence and Application of Risk Management Information Systems,” International Insurance Society in Amsterdam, Holland, July 1996
Baranoff, Etti G., "A Choice Model Between Self-Funding and Fully-Insuring Workers' Compensation," ARIA meeting in Seattle, Washington, 1995
Launie, Joseph J., William P. Jennings, and Etti G. Baranoff, "Exchange Rate Risk in Reinsurance,” ARIA meeting, Seattle, Washington, 1995
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager, and Robert C. Witt, "Investment Risk and Warning Signals for Life/Health Insurance Companies,” FMA meeting in New York City, 1995
Baranoff, Etti G "A Stepwise Structure Redesign from the Bottom Up," Re-engineering Special Interest Group of the University of Texas at Austin, 1995
Baranoff, Etti G., "Current and Future Life Insurance Regulation," Inforume Conference of LOMA in Orlando, Florida, 1995
Baranoff, Etti G., "US Private Passenger Automobile Rating and Information Systems: Economic and Public Policy Viewpoints," University of Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv, Israel, by Invitation from Dr. Yehuda Kahane, 1995
Baranoff, Etti G., "Pricing of Insurance Contracts and Evaluating Insurer Investment Practices: An Alternative Approach," ARIA meeting, Toronto, Canada, 1994
Baranoff, Etti G., Thomas W. Sager, and Robert C. Witt "Solvency Surveillance For The Life and Health Insurance Industry: A Disaggregated and Cascaded Approach," ARIA meeting, San Francisco, California, 1993
Baranoff, Etti G., "An Overview of the NAIC Risk-Based Capital Formulas and Comparison to the Texas Proposed Formulas,” NABRICO (National Association of Bar Related Insurance Companies) meeting in San Antonio, Texas, 1992
Baranoff, Etti G., "Financial Analysis of the Life Insurance Industry for Regulatory Purposes," excerpts of my dissertation, ARIA meeting presented at the 1992 American and Risk Association Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1992
Baranoff, Etti G., "Causes of Insolvencies of Texas Insurers during the 1980s and 1990," ARIA meeting, Orlando, Florida, 1990
Baranoff, Etti G., and late Nick Williams "Texas' Early Warning System," ARIA meeting in Denver, Colorado, 1989